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IFTTT Review 2024: Best Tool to Automate Tasks?

Are you tired of repetitive tasks draining your time and energy? Imagine a world where your apps work together seamlessly, taking care of the boring stuff for you.

That’s where IFTTT (If This, Then That) comes in. This robust automation tool has been around for a while, but is it still the top app for automation?

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Discover how IFTTT can simplify your daily grind. Learn about its strengths, potential drawbacks, and whether it’s the right fit for automating your tasks.

IFTTT: Best Tool to Automate Tasks?

IFTTT, short for “If This Then That,” is a web-based service that lets you create chains of simple conditional statements called “Applets.”

IFTTT Pros & Cons

When considering an automation tool, you must weigh IFTTT’s pros and cons against your specific needs and preferences to make the right decision.


  • Comprehensive IFTTT user interface
  • Extensive app compatibility
  • Significant time savings


  • Customizability limitations
  • Occasional triggering delays
  • Requires thoughtful planning


  • Comprehensive IFTTT user interface: IFTTT’s drag-and-drop approach simplifies automation creation, requiring no prior coding knowledge.
  • Extensive app compatibility: Connect a wide variety of popular apps and services, expanding the possibilities for streamlining your work and life.
  • Significant time savings: Outsource repetitive tasks to IFTTT, freeing up valuable time for more strategic activities.


  • Customizability limitations: While the setup is straightforward, options for fine-tuning your automations may be somewhat restricted.
  • Occasional triggering delays: Due to its reliance on multiple integrations, there’s potential for slight delays in the execution of actions.
  • Requires thoughtful planning: IFTTT’s flexibility can encourage experimentation. Prioritize creating automations that genuinely improve efficiency.

Quick Verdict – Is IFTTT Worth the Money?

After spending hours trying out IFTTT for both my personal and professional digital ecosystems, my answer is it depends—it’s solid. Still, it may not have as many integrations as Zapier. 

Whether you’re a tech enthusiast looking to streamline your smart home setup or a busy professional aiming to automate repetitive tasks, IFTTT does provide value.

IFTTT is known for its simplicity and versatility. You can connect various apps and devices to work together seamlessly. For instance, you can set up an Applet to automatically save your favorite tweets to a Google Drive document or get your smart lights to flash when your Uber arrives. These small automations save you a lot of time and hassle daily.

You may hesitate, thinking IFTTT’s subscription is another unnecessary expense. However, considering the time it saves and the efficiency it brings, the cost is quite reasonable. Plus, there’s a free account that’s perfect for testing out simpler automations before committing financially.

While IFTTT is incredibly useful, it’s not without its limitations. Some users have noted that creating highly customized or complex Applets can be a bit daunting for beginners. 

Additionally, the response time between an action triggering and the outcome can sometimes lag, especially if you use multiple services.

Are you ready to automate your life and save time for what truly matters? Dive into IFTTT today!

Who is IFTTT for?

You’ll love IFTTT if you’re those:

You’ll love IFTTT if you’re those:

  • Tech Enthusiasts with a Smart Home: If you delight in having a connected home where your devices communicate and react to each other—like having your coffee maker start brewing when your morning alarm goes off—IFTTT is tailor-made for you.
  • Busy Professionals Seeking Efficiency: If you find yourself juggling multiple tasks and seeking ways to reduce the small, repetitive actions of your day—like automating social network accounts active or syncing calendars and emails—IFTTT can streamline your processes effortlessly.
  • Hobbyists or Freelancers in Creative Fields: If you rely on syncing multiple platforms and services, like photographers who need to automatically upload images to cloud storage or writers who track submissions through spreadsheets, IFTTT can automate these tasks seamlessly.

You won’t love IFTTT if you’re those:

  • Seeking Immediate, Real-time Integration: If your needs require instantaneous syncing with zero delays, there may be an occasional lag in execution, which is a dealbreaker.
  • Users Who Prefer Manual Control Over Every Detail: If you prefer strict control over all digital processes and manual inputs, IFTTT’s automation might feel too hands-off.
  • People Uninterested in Technology or Automation: If you prefer keeping things simple, are not interested in setting up integrations, or don’t use many tech products, IFTTT might not add significant value to your daily life.

What is IFTTT?

IFTTT, short for “If This Then That,” is a web-based service that lets you create chains of simple conditional statements called “Applets.” These Applets automate interactions between your apps and devices, making managing everyday tasks easier and improving productivity without manual input.

What is the key benefit of having IFTTT?

The key benefit of IFTTT is its ability to simplify your life by automating repetitive tasks across more than 600 services, including major platforms like Twitter, Google Drive, and Amazon Alexa. This connectivity allows you to focus on what’s important, enhancing both your efficiency and effectiveness without needing to swap between multiple apps.

How does IFTTT work?

IFTTT operates on simple “if this, then that” logic. For example, you can set up an Applet that sends you a text message whenever you receive an email from a specific contact. The user-friendly platform offers a simple setup process where you choose the service, specify the trigger event, and define the resulting action. It comes with numerous pre-built Applets but also allows for extensive customization to meet your specific needs.

How is it different from competitors?

Unlike many competitors offering more rigid, predefined workflows, IFTTT stands out with its incredible flexibility and broad compatibility. It supports an extensive array of services and devices, which enables it to fit into virtually any automation scenario you might envision. 

Moreover, its simplicity makes it accessible even to those who are not tech-savvy, providing an easy entry point to automation compared to more complex systems like Zapier or Microsoft Power Automate.

Reasons I Recommend IFTTT to Everyone

Reasons I Recommend IFTTT to Everyone

#1) It streamlines daily routines

One of the most compelling aspects of IFTTT is its ability to streamline everyday activities. I set up an Applet that turns on my smart coffee maker when my sleep tracker recognizes that I’ve woken up. 

This means my morning coffee is ready when I get to the kitchen, allowing me to start the day with one less chore to worry about. This automation not only saves time but also minimizes the friction in your morning routine, helping you start your day with a win. 

It’s about optimizing your life for efficiency and enjoyment. By automating mundane tasks, I’ve reclaimed time that can be spent on more fulfilling activities like reading or spending time with family in the morning.

Implementing this was a game-changer for my mornings. It felt like having a personal assistant dedicated to making my day easier.

#2) It enhanced my work productivity

IFTTT excels not just at home but also in a professional setting. I tried it out to manage my work notifications—my smart lights change color to indicate new emails from important clients, ensuring I never miss critical communications while avoiding the distraction of constantly checking my inbox.

Such automations helps maintain focus and prioritize tasks effectively, which can significantly boost your productivity.

Studies have shown that reducing interruptions can lead to better work performance and less stress. By using IFTTT, I ensure that only essential alerts disrupt my workflow, which has improved my concentration and output.

This setup has reduced the frequency and impact of interruptions, allowing for a deeper focus on complex projects, which has been pivotal in meeting tight deadlines and delivering quality work.

#3) It’s a customizable fit for individual needs

I’ve customized Applets to notify me of specific news, manage social media posts, and even remind me to stay hydrated throughout the day. This level of customization means that whatever your needs or challenges, IFTTT can likely address them through automation, making your digital and physical environments work better for you.

IFTTT’s flexibility is evident in its wide range of compatible services and devices, demonstrating its ability to accommodate various lifestyles and preferences.

Tailoring IFTTT to my specific needs has not only made my day-to-day life smoother but also more enjoyable. Knowing that I have a valuable tool that adapts to my lifestyle and grows with my needs gives me confidence and peace of mind.

These experiences with IFTTT illustrate why I consistently recommend it to anyone looking to improve their efficiency and quality of life through automation. IFTTT’s potential to simplify and enhance is vast and proven, whether at home or in the office.

What You Might Not Like about IFTTT

#1) Potential Delays in Trigger Response Times

One limitation I’ve encountered with the IFTTT app is the variable delay between trigger and action. For some Applets, especially those involving multiple services or complex tasks, the response time can be slower than expected.

This delay can be a minor inconvenience if you rely on immediate responses for time-sensitive tasks like receiving instant notifications or triggering events.

I noticed this delay when I set up an Applet to get notifications for urgent emails. There were instances when the notification came through later than ideal, which was not optimal during a fast-paced workday.

#2) Complexity in Setting Up Custom Applets

While IFTTT’s interface is generally user-friendly, designing more sophisticated, custom Applets can be challenging, especially for those who are not as tech-savvy or familiar with digital automation tools.

This complexity might deter you if you want to implement highly specific or unique automations beyond the standard offerings. The initial setup can be time-consuming and may require a steeper learning curve.

When I tried to create a multi-step automation involving several social media platforms and data tracking, the process required a lot of tweaking and testing to get it right, which consumed more time than I anticipated.

IFTTT Pricing

IFTTT pricing that offers free plan and two types of pro plan.

IFTTT offers a free plan to let you experiment with basic automation. The Pro plan, for more robust needs, starts at $3.49 per month. If you’re serious about creating numerous automations, consider the Pro+ plan, which unlocks unlimited possibilities.

IFTTT: Key Features Breakdown

IFTTT: Key Features Breakdown

Let’s break down the key features of IFTTT and delve into the details of each feature:


IFTTT's Applets feature.

Applets are the foundation of IFTTT’s automation system. These customizable “if this, then that” rules link various apps and services together.

They empower adaptability. Whether you wish to receive weather alerts via text message, back up social media content automatically, or streamline complex business processes, Applets offers the flexibility to make it happen.

Applets have significantly improved the efficiency of several recurring processes. A particular highlight is the seamless automation of lead capture from social media platforms into a centralized CRM system.


IFTTT's service feature.

Services are the apps and platforms that IFTTT connects with. Consider it a vast library of compatible tools, including popular options like Google Suite, social media platforms, smart home devices, and many more.

IFTTT’s strength lies in its ability to bridge the gap between different services, creating automated workflows that wouldn’t otherwise be possible. The extensive range of services opens a wide array of possibilities for automation.

The diverse selection of compatible services is excellent. It enables you to streamline tasks across various aspects of your work and life, like seamlessly syncing notes to cloud storage or automating social media cross-posting.

Conditional Logic

IFTTT's Conditional Logic feature.

Conditional logic introduces fine-grained control to your automations. It allows you to set rules like “If it’s raining, then send me a text reminder” or “If my blog post exceeds 1000 words, then schedule social media promotion.”

This feature offers precision. Instead of simple “if this, then that,” you can create nuanced automations that consider specific factors, making them more tailored to your needs.

Conditional logic has been incredibly useful for streamlining marketing campaigns. It allows you to trigger specific follow-up actions based on how people interact with your content, saving substantial time and adding a layer of personalization.

Smart Home Automation

IFTTT's Smart Home Automation

IFTTT seamlessly integrates with various smart home devices like lights, thermostats, speakers, and more. This means you can use it as a central hub for controlling different aspects of your intelligent living space.

IFTTT takes your smart home to the next level.  Create custom routines like automatically dimming lights and playing soothing music when it’s time for bed or getting a notification if your smart lock detects unusual activity.

Integrating smart devices with IFTTT has drastically improved your morning routine. Now, your coffee maker begins brewing, the news plays on your smart speaker, and your thermostat adjusts all with a simple voice command – saving precious time and mental energy.

Location-based Triggers

IFTTT's Location-based Triggers

These triggers let you automate actions based on your physical location.  Imagine lights turning on as you arrive home or getting a reminder when you leave a specific area.

Location-based triggers add a layer of convenience and context to your automations. They help you streamline tasks without constantly checking your phone or manually triggering actions.

Location-based triggers are incredibly useful for things like reminders. You’ve set up an automation that notifies you to pick up groceries whenever you’re near your local supermarket, saving you unnecessary trips.

Scheduled Automations

IFTTT's Scheduled Automations feature.

Scheduled automations let you trigger actions at specific dates and times. Think of it like setting alarms for your digital workflow.

This feature gives you proactive control.  Schedule social media posts in advance, send regular task reminders, or even automate system updates – all on a timeline that works for you.

Scheduled automations are a lifesaver when it comes to time-sensitive tasks. You’ve set up several regular automations that back up essential data at night, ensuring peace of mind even if something unexpected happens during the day.

Webhooks Integrations

IFTTT's Webhooks Integration feature.

This feature allows IFTTT to connect with various online tools and platforms, including cloud storage, task managers, productivity apps like Google Calendar, and more. Think of it as extending your automations beyond just individual apps.

Web services integration opens up a whole new dimension of potential. You can automate things like saving email attachments to your preferred cloud drive, adding tasks to your to-do list directly from social media mentions, or getting notifications about changes to a spreadsheet.

This has been incredibly valuable for streamlining lead generation. You now automatically receive updates in your CRM whenever a specific form is submitted on your website, saving manual data entry.

Voice Control Integration

IFTTT's Voice Control Integration

Connect IFTTT with your preferred smart speaker (Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, etc.). This lets you control your automations and even trigger them with simple voice commands.

Voice control adds a level of convenience and hands-free flexibility. Imagine adjusting your lights, getting weather updates, or even activating complex automations without touching your phone or computer.

Integrating IFTTT with your smart speaker has upped your home automation game. Now, a simple “Hey Google, it’s movie time” dims the lights, turns on the TV, and sets your phone to silent – all in one go.

Security and Privacy Controls

IFTTT's Security and Privacy Controls

IFTTT offers settings to manage which apps and services have access to your data, as well as activity logs for monitoring your automations.

In today’s digital landscape, security and privacy are paramount. IFTTT recognizes this and allows you to maintain oversight of how your information is used within the platform.

While it’s always crucial to carefully review permissions for any online service, IFTTT’s granular controls provide reassurance. The ability to revoke access or monitor what data is being shared goes a long way in establishing trust.

FAQs about IFTTT

How secure is IFTTT?

IFTTT takes security seriously and provides multiple layers of protection to ensure that your data and connections are safe. This includes data encryption in transit and at rest, regular security audits, and compliance with industry-standard privacy regulations.

Can I use IFTTT for my business?

Yes, IFTTT is not just for personal use; it can be incredibly effective for businesses, too. It helps automate repetitive tasks, integrate various platforms and services, and improve workflow efficiency. Businesses can benefit from customized and automated solutions that IFTTT enables, thereby reducing manual work and increasing productivity.

Can I share my IFTTT Applets with others?

Yes, IFTTT allows you to share your Applets with others easily. This feature is handy if you’ve created a helpful automation that could benefit friends, family, or colleagues. Sharing is as simple as sending a link to the Applet, and others can then modify it to suit their needs if necessary.

How can I troubleshoot issues with my Applets?

If you encounter issues with your own Applets, IFTTT offers several troubleshooting steps. First, check the activity log within your IFTTT account to see detailed error messages and the status of your Applets. 

Also, ensure that all connected services are correctly authenticated and that no service-specific changes affect your Applets. IFTTT also provides support through its help center and community forums.

What are the limitations of the free plan on IFTTT?

The free plan on the IFTTT platform allows you to create and use Applets with limited functionalities. You can only make a few custom Applets; some advanced actions are restricted to the Pro and Pro+ plans. If you need extensive automation involving multiple actions or conditions, upgrading to a paid plan is recommended.

Does IFTTT offer Android or iOS apps?

Yes, IFTTT offers mobile apps for both Android and iOS. These apps allow you to manage and create Applets directly from your phone, making automating tasks on the go convenient. 

The mobile app offers nearly all the same functionalities as the web platform, ensuring you can always stay connected and control your automations wherever you are. Whether you’re setting up location-based Applet triggers or managing your smart home devices from afar, the IFTTT mobile app keeps all your automations just a tap away.

Final Verdict – to Buy IFTTT or Not to Buy IFTTT?

IFTTT: Best Tool to Automate Tasks?

Comprehensive Productivity for Your Whole Team!

IFTTT, short for “If This Then That,” is a web-based service that lets you create chains of simple conditional statements called “Applets.”

After thorough testing and daily integration of IFTTT into my routines, both at home and at work, I believe this is a solid tool. However, I believe Zapier is a better tool.

Whether you’re a tech enthusiast looking to automate your smart home devices or a professional seeking to streamline repetitive tasks, IFTTT provides a flexible and robust solution that adapts to your needs.

Why You Should Consider IFTTT:

  • Versatility: IFTTT’s ability to connect with over 600 services allows for nearly limitless automation possibilities.
  • Ease of Use: Even if you’re not particularly tech-savvy, the platform’s intuitive design makes it easy to set up and manage Applets.
  • Customization: From simple automations to complex workflows involving multiple triggers and actions, IFTTT lets you tailor everything to your personal and professional needs.

You might be concerned about the learning curve or the occasional delays in trigger responses. While these are valid points, the overarching benefits of time saved and increased efficiency significantly outweigh these minor drawbacks. Plus, the free version provides a solid starting point to test the waters before committing financially.

Ready to transform how you interact with your digital and physical environments? Sign up for IFTTT today and start with the free plan!

If you want to try another tool, stay tuned for our upcoming reviews on other automation tools like Zapier and Microsoft Power Automate, where we’ll compare features, usability, and pricing to help you find the perfect tool for your needs.

IFTTT Alternatives

If you need a different automation solution, you might like one of these alternatives.

#1) Zapier

Zapier stands out as a more robust alternative to IFTTT, particularly for those requiring complex, multi-step functions across various applications. Unlike IFTTT, which is excellent for simple, one-to-one task automation, Zapier excels in creating intricate workflows involving multiple triggers and actions from various services simultaneously.

Zapier is best suited for professionals and businesses that need to automate multi-step processes across various platforms. It’s particularly valuable if you’re looking to save time on repetitive tasks that involve multiple software tools.

#2) Microsoft Power Automate 

Microsoft Power Automate, previously known as Microsoft Flow, offers deep integration with Microsoft 365 services, making it a compelling choice for organizations heavily invested in the Microsoft ecosystem. This platform provides more than just simple automation; it includes AI-driven insights and enterprise-grade security, which are not the focus areas of IFTTT.

Power Automate integrates seamlessly with Microsoft applications like Excel, Outlook, and SharePoint, which can be a significant advantage for businesses already using these tools.

This tool is ideal for enterprises that require advanced workflow automation that is tightly integrated with their existing Microsoft applications. It’s less about convenience for home automation and more about enhancing business processes.

#3) Workato

Workato is another powerful alternative that offers enterprise-level automation capabilities. It focuses on integrating complex systems, including CRM, ERP, and HR software, alongside typical applications. Workato also includes capabilities for handling event-based triggers in real-time, which can be a crucial feature for instant data processing.

Workato is designed with a heavy emphasis on integrating business applications and complex data workflows, making it more suitable for large organizations than IFTTT.

Workato is intended for IT teams and businesses that need robust automation across various functions and complex data environments. It’s great for automating processes involving high data volumes and requiring compliance with strict data governance standards.

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