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The 8 Best Pay-Per-Call Software Tools In 2024

Ready to unlock a fresh stream of revenue? Pay-per-call software could be your golden ticket.

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, it’s easy for online leads to slip through the cracks. Pay-per-call solutions bridge the gap, turning clicks into conversations and boosting your bottom line.

But with a sea of options out there, how do you find the perfect fit for your business? That’s where this must-know list comes in.

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In this comprehensive guide, we’ve sifted through the noise to handpick the top 8 pay-per-call platforms of 2024. We’ll break down each platform’s key features, pros, and cons so you can make an informed decision and supercharge your lead generation strategy.

Let’s dive in and discover the tools that will transform your business.

Best Integrated Marketing Platform


Phonexa Logo

Best for Call Tracking and Analytics


Ringba Logo

Best for Lead Management and Distribution


LeadsPedia Logo

What Is the Best Pay-Per-Call Software?

Let’s step into the details of each platform, exploring what makes them the leaders in the market and how they can significantly boost your operational efficiency and customer interactions. Prepare to enhance your communication strategies with this comprehensive guide to the best Pay-Per-Call software available in 2024.

  1. Phonexa – Best Integrated Marketing Platform
  2. Ringba – Best for Call Tracking and Analytics
  3. LeadsPedia – Best for Lead Management and Distribution
  4. PPCexpo – Best for PPC Campaign Analytics
  5. Dialics – Best for Call Tracking and Performance Monitoring
  6. ​​CallerReady – Best for Sales Automation and Call Routing
  7. Service Direct – Best for Sales Automation and Call Routing
  8. ClickPoint – Best for Lead Management and Sales Automation

1. Phonexa – Best Integrated Marketing Platform

Phonexa: Finally close the loop between leads, calls, clicks, and revenue.


Phonexa is an all-in-one tool to enhance PPC affiliate marketers and CPA partner networks. Its strong toolkit, which also sell calls and offers sophisticated tracking and analytics, makes performance measurement simple and helps one develop.

Phonexa’s effortless integration flexibility simplifies campaign administration, enabling agents to maximize their resources. Phonexa is a fantastic tool for present ad performance marketers as it offers capabilities compatible with CPA and PPC models.

Key Benefits

  • Phonexa offers strong tools for CPA marketing networks and pay-per-call programs. Its analytics and tracking capabilities provide extremely exact measurement of results, which is crucial for the effectiveness of CPA strategies.
  • The instrument may readily link to several pay-per-call systems, generating more leads and sales.
  • Phonexa’s simple platform helps users manage campaigns, making it an excellent option for those who wish to maximize CPA and pay-per-call marketing.


Phonexa Pricing plans

Phonexa stands out not just for its comprehensive features but also for its flexible pricing structure. The first tier of paid plans begins at $100 per month, providing you with a robust set of tools tailored to enhance your call tracking and management capabilities. This initial plan delivers value for newcomers and seasoned professionals, ensuring you get the most out of every call.


  • Integration
  • Efficiency
  • Scalability


  • Cost
  • Complexity
  • Learning Curve
Phonexa: Best Integrated Marketing Platform
Phonexa Logo

Phonexa is a powerful tool that offers robust features for efficient call management but requires a commitment to learning and investment.

2. Ringba – Best for Call Tracking and Analytics

Ringba: Inbound Call Tracking


Excellent pay-per-call answering service, Ringba is meant to increase partner marketing income. It provides comprehensive data, enables you to monitor calls in real-time, and allows you to modify the course of qualified calls so you may obtain good leads and more sales.

Ringba’s strong data tools help affiliates better understand campaign performance and income-generating capacity. Ringba’s sophisticated capabilities let agents maximize income and perform as effectively as feasible in the demanding pay-per-call environment.

Key Benefits

  • Ringba is a robust solution designed for pay-per-call affiliate programs that provide a wealth of call data and statistics.
  • Its tracking capabilities provide affiliates with real-time data on call performance, enabling them to maximize their programs.
  • Ringba’s reporting tools and path of travel may be altered to suit your requirements. This helps you specifically target individuals and gather more data, enhancing the quality of the leads and conversion rates. This makes it a crucial tool for agents wishing to maximize pay-per-call marketing.


Ringba Pricing Plans

Ringba caters to businesses of all sizes, offering flexibility with its three-tiered pricing structure: Business, Professional, and Enterprise. The Business plan, designed for small to medium-sized businesses, starts at $147 per month when billed monthly. It provides robust features and functionality to optimize your campaigns.


  • Customization
  • Analytics
  • Reliability


  • Complexity
  • Price
  • Setup
Ringba: Best for Call Tracking and Analytics
Ringba Logo

Ringba excels in customization and detailed analytics, making it a reliable choice for advanced users, though its complexity and setup demands may pose challenges for beginners.

3. LeadsPedia – Best for Lead Management and Distribution

LeadsPedia: Lead Distribution and Call Tracking Platform


With tracking and analytics to improve campaign effectiveness, LeadsPedia is a potent platform for pay-per-call affiliates. It guarantees affiliates get timely and consistent payouts by supporting affiliate programs that pay weekly.

LeadsPedia’s strong reporting features offer insightful information that helps associates maximize return on investment and modify their plans. LeadsPedia simplifies processes using customizable integration choices, a necessary tool for associates in pay-per-call marketing.

Key Benefits

  • To help you get the most out of your pay-per-call marketing initiatives, LeadsPedia offers advanced tracking and statistics. It handles seamless affiliate payments to guarantee accurate and timely refunding and avoid mistakes.
  • The platform’s adaptable integration capabilities simplify connecting to many systems, boosting general speed.
  • LeadsPedia’s comprehensive data tools provide agents and marketers with valuable information to maximize their pay-per-call marketing campaigns and raise their return on investment.


LeadsPedia Pricing Plans

LeadsPedia offers flexible pricing with three different plans: Lite, Premium, and Enterprise. The Lite plan, a great business starting point, is priced at $1,500 per month and includes features like real-time reporting, IVR, and call tracking to optimize your campaigns.


  • Flexibility
  • Tracking
  • Integration


  • Cost
  • Complexity
  • Support
LeadsPedia: Best for Lead Management and Distribution
LeadsPedia Logo

LeadsPedia is a comprehensive pay-per-call solution and call-tracking software that offers unparalleled flexibility, detailed tracking, and seamless integrations, making it a powerful tool for larger businesses or those with high call volumes. However, its price point and complexity may require careful consideration.

4. PPCexpo – Best for PPC Campaign Analytics

PPCexpo: Boost your Google Ads with PPCexpo Tools


PPCexpo specializes in pay-per-call affiliate marketing, which provides a handy platform for advertisers and affiliates to interact. Through their potent pay-per-call networks, affiliates may produce excellent leads through performance-based marketing.

With PPCexpo’s sophisticated tracking and analytics, affiliates may enhance their strategies and increase income. PPCexpo is a terrific option for pay-per-call partner marketing initiatives that work since their network provides real-time information and assistance and facilitates teamwork.

Key Benefits

  • PPCexpo is mostly interested in producing decent pay-per-call leads. Their creative pay-per-call lead generation technique ensures that companies may contact potential clients with focused outcomes-based marketing.
  • Using PPCexpo’s data and reporting capabilities, businesses can instantly enhance their advertising, increasing return on investment.
  • Reaching sales targets for companies depends on pay-per-call techniques that are successful and measurable. PPCexpo is more concerned with providing businesses with useful information and effective lead control.


PPCexpo Signal Pricing

PPCexpo offers flexible pricing options based on the number of accounts you need to manage.  The service starts at $10 per month for a single account, while unlimited accounts are available for $800 per month. This scalable pricing structure makes PPCexpo accessible to businesses of all sizes.


  • Insightful
  • Comprehensive
  • User-friendly


  • Price
  • Learning-curve
  • Customization
PPCexpo: Best for PPC Campaign Analytics
PPCexpo logo

PPCexpo is a robust pay-per-call solution that provides actionable insights and a streamlined campaign management experience. It’s a good fit for those who prioritize data-driven decision-making but may not be the most customizable or budget-friendly option for everyone.

5. Dialics – Best for Call Tracking and Performance Monitoring

Dialics: Looking to boost your pa ROI?


Dialics is a creative pay-per-call network that offers companies several opportunities. Real-time tracking and analytics for each pay-per-call number ensure accurate performance evaluation and improvement.

Strong data features and the Dialics interface simplify campaign management. Dialics is suitable for maximizing pay-per-call marketing strategies because proper integration improves lead quality and conversion rates.

Key Benefits

  • Dialics is a well-known pay-per-call service provider because of several remarkable pay-per-call business possibilities. Its technology guarantees accurate performance by letting you monitor all data and follow calls in real-time.
  • The simple design of Dialics helps manage campaigns, allowing marketers to maximize their strategies.
  • Dialics’s strong routing and reporting capabilities improve lead quality and conversion rates. It is a vital tool for companies trying to maximize their pay-per-call advertising.


Dialics example prices for the USA

Dialics offers a flexible pricing model that adapts to your specific needs and usage. The final cost will depend on the number of phone numbers, minutes, and additional features you require. This allows you to tailor your subscription to match your budget and business objectives.


  • Reliable
  • User-friendly
  • Efficient


  • Cost
  • Integration
  • Features
Dialics: Best for Call Tracking and Performance Monitoring
Dialics Logo

Dialics is a reliable and user-friendly pay-per-call software that prioritizes efficiency and core functionality. It’s a good choice for those seeking a simple yet effective solution, but may not be the best fit for businesses needing extensive integrations or advanced features.

6. ​​CallerReady – Best for Sales Automation and Call Routing

CallerReady: Lead to Call Automation


Many great pay-per-call software, including CallerReady, may help you manage your pay-per-call numbers. It offers real-time call tracking and thorough data so you may redirect calls to enable more successful running of your campaign.

The program’s easy-to-use interface guarantees strong leads and higher conversion rates by streamlining operating pay-per-call campaigns. Strong reporting features of CallerReady help businesses maximize pay-per-call marketing.

Key Benefits

  • CallerReady is a top platform for answering service pay-per-call campaigns because it offers advanced capabilities for managing pay-per-call ads.
  • It allows you to view and examine calls in real-time, enabling precise performance evaluation and improvement.
  • Customizable route calls and reporting capabilities on the platform raise the caliber of leads and the conversion count.
  • CallerReady’s simple design streamlines campaign administration, which makes it a valuable tool for companies seeking to maximize their pay-per-call advertising


CallerReady takes a unique approach to pricing, offering customized quotes tailored to your specific needs. This means the cost can vary significantly depending on the size of your business, call volume, and desired features. While they don’t list a set starting price for their basic plan, contacting their sales team will provide you with a personalized quote to assess whether it aligns with your budget and requirements.


  • Efficient
  • Scalable
  • Customizable


  • Cost
  • Complexity
  • Learning curve
CallerReady: Best for Sales Automation and Call Routing
CallerReady Logo

CallerReady is a powerful and adaptable pay-per-call platform that excels at efficiency, scalability, and customization. It’s a good fit for larger businesses or agencies with high call volumes and complex needs, but may not be the most budget-friendly or user-friendly option for everyone.

7. Service Direct – Best for Sales Automation and Call Routing

Service Direct: Lead Generation Done Right


Service Direct is an excellent location to advertise affiliate programs that pay daily, thanks to its robust pay-per-call app. Working with many other applications and systems, this one allows you to track calls in real-time, provides comprehensive statistics, and provides more quality leads and better conversion rates, which follow from easier campaign management made possible by its flexible features and simple design.

Pay-per-call marketing would benefit from Service Direct since it enables users to maximize income and work as effectively as feasible.

Key Benefits

  • Service Direct is the best platform for managing pay-per-call affiliate offers with its strong tools and features. It provides comprehensive data and enables you to monitor or generate calls in real-time, allowing you to assess and enhance performance precisely.
  • The customizable handling and reporting choices enhance the quality of leads and the volume of conversions; the platform’s simple interface helps manage campaigns.
  • Service Direct enables pay-per-call advertisers’ agents to maximize their income and operate as effectively as possible.


Service Direct Pricing Plans

Service Direct operates on a unique performance-based pricing model, where you only pay for valid leads for different niches like home services, legal, etc. While they don’t have a set price for their basic plan, this model allows you to control your costs and budget effectively. To understand potential expenses clearly, you can reach out to Service Direct for a personalized consultation and pricing estimate tailored to your specific needs and goals.


  • Reliable
  • User-friendly
  • Effective


  • Costly
  • Limited features
  • Customization
Service Direct: Best for Sales Automation and Call Routing
Service Direct Logo

Service Direct is a reliable and effective call-pay solution that generates high-quality leads. It’s a good fit for those who prioritize lead quality over quantity but may not be the most customizable or cost-effective option for everyone.

8. ClickPoint – Best for Lead Management and Sales Automation

ClickPoint: Streamlining Lead Flow from Capture to Close


ClickPoint is a powerful solution to control pay-per-click affiliates and click-per-action advertisements. Their sophisticated tracking and analytics guarantee that associates may maximize their campaigns and earn the most money available.

ClickPoint lets companies observe their ads’ success in real time, enabling precise alterations. The platform’s easy-to-use interface and strong data capabilities improve campaign management, allowing agents to succeed and businesses to attain their marketing targets.

Key Benefits

  • ClickPoint provides a complete response for campaign calling centers running pay-per-call. Using comprehensive call monitoring and analytics, their technology guarantees the quality of the leads, hence improving lead generation.
  • ClickPoint is so user-friendly that running campaigns fast and implementing real-time adjustments is simple.
  • ClickPoint provides outstanding customer service and lets you rapidly link pay-per-call programs with CRMs, ensuring smooth operation.


ClickPoint Pricing Plans

ClickPoint offers flexible pricing options to accommodate different business needs. The most basic plan for LeadExec starts at $750 per month. This allows smaller businesses to access the essential features of ClickPoint’s lead management and sales engagement platform.


  • Efficient
  • User-friendly
  • Insightful


  • Cost
  • Complex
  • Limited integrations
ClickPoint – Best for Lead Management and Sales Automation
Clickpoint logo

ClickPoint is a powerful sales engagement and lead management platform that excels at efficiency, user-friendliness, and providing valuable insights. It’s a good fit for larger sales teams that can leverage its robust features, but due to the cost and potential complexity, it may be less ideal for smaller businesses.

What Is Pay-Per-Call Software?

Pay-per-call software is your digital bridge between online clicks and real-world conversations.  Think of it as the high-tech matchmaker that connects businesses with potential customers through phone calls.

How does it work? When someone clicks on a specific ad or link, instead of landing on a website, their call is routed directly to you or your sales team. This means you’re connecting with people actively interested in your product or service, increasing the chances of conversion.

Pay-per-call software also provides robust tracking and analytics tools, allowing you to measure the success of your campaigns, identify high-performing channels, and optimize your strategy for maximum return on investment. It’s a powerful way to generate high-quality leads and grow your business.

How Can Pay-Per-Call Software Benefit You?

The 8 Best Pay-Per-Call Software Tools In 2024

Pay-per-call software can revolutionize the way you connect with potential customers. You can create a more personalized and engaging experience by transforming online clicks into phone calls, leading to higher conversion rates and increased revenue.

With detailed tracking and analytics, you gain valuable insights into your campaign performance, allowing you to identify what’s working and what’s not. This empowers you to make data-driven decisions, optimize your strategies, and get the most out of your marketing budget.

Furthermore, pay-per-call software can help you expand your reach and tap into new markets. By partnering with publishers and affiliate networks, you can leverage their audience, drive qualified calls, and drive leads to your business. This opens up a world of possibilities for growth and expansion.

What Features Should You Look For In Pay-Per-Call Software?

When choosing pay-per-call software, prioritize features that align with your business goals and streamline your workflow.  Look for a platform with robust call tracking and analytics capabilities. This will allow you to track call sources, duration, and outcomes, providing valuable insights into your campaign performance.

Integration with your existing CRM or marketing automation platform is another key feature to consider. This ensures seamless data flow and allows you to leverage your pay-per-call data alongside other customer information for a more comprehensive view.

Additional features like call buyers recording, IVR (Interactive Voice Response), and dynamic number insertion can enhance your campaigns and provide a more personalized experience for your potential customers. When evaluating these additional features, consider your specific needs and budget to find the perfect fit for your business.

Buyers Guide: How We Conducted Our Research

When determining the best pay-per-call software for 2024, we meticulously followed a comprehensive process to ensure our recommendations are reliable and valuable. Here’s how we conducted our research:

  • Pricing Analysis: We scrutinized the cost of each product, comparing initial and scaling prices to determine value for money across different business sizes and needs.
  • Feature Examination: We delved into the specific features offered by each software, identifying which provided the most useful tools for effective call management and analytics.
  • Assessment of Limitations: We evaluated what each piece of software lacked, noting any potential dealbreakers or areas where they fell short compared to others in the market.
  • Support and Community Engagement: We investigated the level of customer support available, including the responsiveness of their support teams, the richness of their community resources, and the details of their refund policies, if applicable.

This structured approach allowed us to provide a balanced view of what each pay-per-call software offers, helping you make an informed decision tailored to your specific business requirements.

Final Thoughts on Pay-Per-Call Software

Best Integrated Marketing Platform


Phonexa Logo

Best for Call Tracking and Analytics


Ringba logo

Best for Lead Management and Distribution


LeadsPedia Logo

Pay-per-call software presents a powerful opportunity to transform your lead generation and customer acquisition strategies. By bridging the gap between online clicks and offline conversations, you can create more meaningful connections with potential customers, drive higher conversions, and unlock new avenues for growth.

Remember, choosing the right pay-per-call or lead distribution platform is crucial for maximizing your success. Consider your specific needs, budget, and desired features carefully when making your decision. With the insights and recommendations provided in this guide, you’re well-equipped to navigate the landscape and select the ideal solution to elevate your business.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I track the effectiveness of my pay-per-call campaigns?

Pay-per-call software typically includes robust tracking and analytics tools. These tools track call duration, source, location, and conversion rates, providing valuable insights into campaign performance.

Is pay-per-call marketing suitable for small businesses?

Absolutely! Pay-per-call marketing can be a highly effective strategy for businesses of all sizes. Small businesses can maximize their return on investment and achieve significant growth by focusing on qualified leads and optimizing campaigns based on data.

Can I integrate pay-per-call software with my existing systems?

Many pay-per-call platforms offer integrations with popular CRM and marketing automation tools. This allows for seamless data transfer and enables you to leverage your pay-per-call data alongside other customer information for a more comprehensive view.

How can pay-per-call software enhance my inbound phone calls?

Pay-per-call software can significantly enhance your inbound call generation by providing detailed tracking and analytics for each call. This allows you to identify high-performing marketing channels, optimize call routing, and personalize the caller experience, leading to improved lead quality and increased conversions. It is a must-have to drive inbound calls. 

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