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How to Work with Passion?

Are you tired of feeling burnt out and unfulfilled at work? Do you long for the days when you were excited to jump out of bed and tackle your tasks with passion and purpose?

As a small business owner or high performer, it can be easy to fall into the trap of constantly grinding without taking a moment to reflect on why you started in the first place.

But what if I told you that there is a way to reignite that fire within and create a fulfilling work experience every single day?

In this blog post, we’ll explore how working with passion can improve one’s overall well-being and lead to greater success.

So, let’s delve into the secrets of finding joy and fulfillment in our work once again.

What is Passion?

Passion encompasses more than enthusiasm or excitement. Passion is the powerful driving force that motivates you to devote yourself to what is most important. The intense emotion drives you to dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to a project or pursuit.

Understanding this allows us to see that passion is more than simply a fleeting emotion; it is a critical component that promotes long-term involvement and happiness in whatever activity you pursue.

Understanding this concept is crucial because it serves as the foundation for transforming routine tasks into components of a fulfilling journey.

Why is It Important to Feel Passionate about your Work?

Feeling enthusiastic about your profession isn’t only good; it’s essential for your overall happiness and success. When you infuse passion into your regular chores, you transform them into something larger, helping you achieve greatness and maintain drive even during hard circumstances.

  • Enhances Motivation: When you’re passionate, even the most daunting tasks become more manageable and engaging.
  • Increases Productivity: Passion drives you to work harder and smarter, leading to higher productivity.
  • Improves Quality of Work: With passion, the quality of your work improves because you care deeply about the outcomes.
  • Encourages Perseverance: Passion helps you to keep going in the face of adversity and challenges.
  • Fosters Professional Growth: It pushes you to learn and improve continuously, keeping you at the top of your field.

Recognizing the importance of passion in your work sets the stage for profound professional development and satisfaction. By embedding passion into your workflow, you enhance your performance and discover a more rewarding path forward. 

If you want to ignite this transformative energy in your professional life, embracing a systematic approach to cultivate and sustain passion is indispensable. This method, which you will learn here, isn’t just about finding passion; it’s about making it a core part of your professional identity.

How to Find Passion in What You Do

This isn’t your typical motivational fluff. We’re diving deep into a three-step process that I’ve personally used to transform my work life. It’s about creating passion, not chasing it. Here’s the gist:

  1. Quit More: Yes, you read that right. Quitting can be the catalyst for discovering what truly excites you.
  2. Plan Better: It’s time to ditch the rigid plans and embrace a more flexible, adaptable approach.
  3. Live Better: This isn’t just about work-life balance. It’s about integrating passion into every aspect of your life.

Ready to see how this actually works? Let’s dive into the complete tutorial and unlock a new level of passion and fulfillment in your work.

#1) Quit More

Most of us can be pretty busy and tend to pack our lives with stuff, people, and commitments. Steve Jobs once said, “Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do.” If you want to have a remarkable life, you have to Quit More.

Quitting Facebook or social media as step one on how to work with passion


We have to decide what work we will not do. Most of us have a bunch of personal and professional tasks that are utterly unnecessary or not important. However, we cannot just get rid of everything to hustle with heart.

We have to be deliberate about choosing what to delete those things that seem unnecessary. These deletions could include not attending meetings or calls that don’t matter, not doing tasks that are not urgent or important, or not going to events that you’re iffy about.


We have to find other people or services to help us out with our work. We all have activities that need to be done, but they would be a waste of our own time and effort.

Instead, these tasks can be better assigned to someone else or outsourced to another service provider to get things done. These delegations could include hiring an additional person to help our team, paying the neighbor’s teen to mow our lawn, or getting advice from a mentor.


We can’t do it all, so we have to defer the work that we can do later. However, most tasks that you want to defer are unnecessary; otherwise, you would plan for them. If they were important, then you would address them immediately. 

Create a “Black Hole”  or an area in your task management application (Todoist) to delay tasks forever. These are the things that you talk about doing but are not important enough to come to fruition: the potential trips with others, the possible lunch plans with others, and the things you hate doing.

Ask Yourself: What can you dump into your black hole?

#2) Plan Better

be happy and smile

Plan Your Week

To truly excel and find more meaning in your job, consider implementing a weekly review and planning session—a practice highly beneficial for human beings who strive to achieve excellence. 

Dedicate 30 minutes at the end of each two weeks to this purpose. This will be your time to reflect on the outcomes of the previous period—celebrating your successes, analyzing any shortcomings, and pinpointing opportunities for growth. Passionate people often find that such introspection provides invaluable insights into their professional journey.

During this session, engage deeply with your thoughts about the past two weeks. Ask yourself: Which tasks made me feel excited? What accomplishments made me proud? Where did I falter, and what lessons can I learn? This process is crucial for passionate employees looking to foster a passion for work that resonates deeply with their personal values and professional goals.

Moving forward, use your insights to shape a robust plan for the upcoming two weeks. Prioritize actions that align with your core objectives, schedule necessary meetings, and outline key tasks that demand your attention. 

Ensure that you work hard, focus on what’s essential, and allocate some free time to refresh and recalibrate. This not only helps maintain your drive but also steers you in a potentially new direction that can enhance both personal satisfaction and organizational behavior in the workplace.

Color Code Your Calendar

In your calendar application, create multiple calendars, each with a different color. Color-coding your calendar is a visual system for organizing your time. At a glance, the colors can give you a quick overview of what you have planned for that day or week.

The colored calendars also help us separate different parts of our lives from one another, including Work, Appointments, Travel, Admin, Exercise, and Fun. A week or day packed with the same color can be overwhelming (Are you really going to work out at the gym for 6 hours straight?).

Create Boundaries for Your Time

Identify the things and people that could prevent your progress and set boundaries. You should anticipate the things and people that could derail your weekly progress by creating “bumper guards” or setting boundaries.

Many things can hinder us, including social media, text notifications, or unnecessary phone calls. Thus, we need to establish boundaries for ourselves to eliminate distractions and for others to tell them how we want them to behave towards us. 

For example, you can create “bumper guards” to reduce the number of times your clients can call you. As a result, you can be productive and get more work for those clients.

Ask Yourself: How would you plan your week during a 30-minute review session?

Today is the perfect day to be happy. Having this perspective in mind is one way on how to work with passion.

#3) Live Better

Gretchen Rubin, the author of the Happiness Project, emphasizes that one key to happiness is always having something on your calendar to look forward to. This anticipation not only extends joy but also helps you hustle with your heart through the more challenging periods. Whether it’s daily activities or something more substantial over weeks or months, the excitement of upcoming events can significantly enhance your quality of life.

In your everyday routine, make it a point to spend time on enjoyable breaks. Whether it’s a fun workout, a brief meditation session, or simply stepping outside for a breath of fresh air, these moments can be transformative. They are not just breaks but new opportunities for creativity and relaxation that contribute to your overall well-being.

Looking at the bigger picture, consider planning activities that involve more excitement or commitment. Maybe it’s trying out a new restaurant, planning a surprise date for your significant other, or booking a trip to a place you’ve never been.

These activities don’t just create moments of joy; they are investments in your happiness and productivity. They remind you why you work hard and show the tangible benefits of your efforts, both personally and within your company.

Ask yourself: What creative plans can you make to ensure there’s always something exciting in your future? How can these plans align with your goals to not only make money but also live a richer life in reality?

Key Considerations For Figuring Out Your Own Passions

So you’ve started exploring what gets you excited, and that’s a great first step. But let’s dig a little deeper. Have you considered the intersection of your passions and the needs of the world around you? Often, the most fulfilling work comes from aligning your talents with a greater purpose.

Think about the problems you see in your community or the world at large. Could your skills offer a solution? Could your passion drive you to make a real difference? Don’t be afraid to think big. Sometimes, the most unexpected combinations lead to the most innovative and fulfilling careers.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that passion isn’t always a constant feeling. There will be days when you’re less enthusiastic or face challenges that test your resolve.

The key is to find ways to reignite your passion, whether through learning new things, collaborating with others, or simply taking a break to recharge. Your passion is a dynamic force that can evolve and grow with you throughout your life.

Check Out: Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport

If you’re genuinely committed to finding work you love, I highly recommend reading Cal Newport’s book Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You. It challenges the conventional wisdom of “following your passion” and offers a more practical, skills-based approach to career fulfillment. Newport argues that passion is often a byproduct of mastery, not the other way around. He encourages the development of rare and valuable skills that make you indispensable in your field.

This book provides a refreshing perspective and actionable advice on how to build a fulfilling career. It emphasizes the importance of deliberate practice, embracing challenges, and creating valuable work that sets you apart. By focusing on building your expertise and delivering exceptional results, you’ll not only attract exciting opportunities but also develop a deep sense of passion for your work.

“Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You” is an excellent resource for anyone seeking a fulfilling career. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to reignite your passion, Newport’s insights can guide you toward a path of meaningful work and lasting satisfaction.

Taking it to the Next Level: How to Cultivate Passion

If you’re aiming to elevate your enthusiasm for your work, it’s crucial to recognize that passion isn’t something you discover but rather something you develop actively over time. The notion of merely “following your passion” can be misleading because it suggests that passion is a static interest waiting to be uncovered. Instead, true passion often emerges from engagement and mastery of your work, a process that requires dedication, persistence, and sometimes even a shift in direction as your interests and skills evolve​.

Cal Newport’s insights suggest that deep engagement in what you do leads to the cultivation of passion. This means investing time and effort into mastering your craft, which naturally leads to a greater sense of satisfaction and dedication. Newport argues that the path to genuine passion often involves embracing complexity and challenges that push you to grow rather than seeking out a pre-existing, ideal job that matches an assumed passion.

Moreover, aligning your work with a broader purpose can significantly amplify your passion. When your daily activities resonate with your core values and contribute to a larger goal, the motivation to excel becomes stronger. This alignment makes the work more enjoyable and instills a sense of accomplishment that what you’re doing has a meaningful impact beyond personal gain​​.

Cultivating passion is an active, ongoing process. It involves creating it through deliberate practice, continuous learning, and aligning one’s work with larger, meaningful objectives.

Final Thoughts: How to Have Passion in Your Work

Passion led us here.

Life is too short to be stuck in a job that drains you of your passion and purpose. We all have the power to create a fulfilling work experience, and it all starts with finding our inner drive and working with true passion.

So ask yourself, what lights you up? What brings that sparkle to your eye and makes your heart beat a little faster?

And then go after it with everything you’ve got. Don’t let anyone or anything dim that fire within you. Remember, success isn’t just about financial gain or climbing the corporate ladder.

It’s about finding joy and fulfillment in what we do every day. And when we approach our work with passion, not only do we benefit personally, but we also inspire those around us to do the same.

So let’s shake off the burnout and reignite that spark within us. Now, go out there and live your most passionate life!

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