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17hats Review 2024: Best Client Management Platform for Solopreneurs?

Are you missing deadlines or overwhelmed with the idea of dealing and communicating with clients? Are you looking for an all-in-one platform that can help streamline your client management? Look no further!

17hats is a user-friendly software tool that helps small businesses and solopreneurs take control of project onboarding, invoicing, contracts and agreements, time tracking, and more – allowing entrepreneurs like yourself to stay on top of your client and business operations.

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In this 17hats review, we will explore the features and benefits of 17hats so you can make the most informed choice about whether it’s a good fit for your business.

17hats: best all-in-one Client management software

Streamlining Your Business, One Hat at a Time!

17hats is an all-in-one project management software designed to simplify business operations by combining project management, invoicing, contract management, and lead tracking in a single platform.

17hats Pros & Cons

When considering client management software, weighing the pros and cons of 17hats against your specific needs and preferences is essential to make the right decision.


  • Streamlines Business Management
  • Enables Client Management
  • Automated Payment Reminders
  • User-Friendly Dashboard
  • Solid Scheduling Tools


  • Limited Workflow Templates
  • Repetitive Tasks Can Be Time-Consuming
  • Customer Support Could Be Improved
  • Limited Integrations

17hats Pros

  • Streamlines Business Management: With 17hats, managing your business operations becomes a breeze. It offers an all-in-one platform that allows you to handle various aspects of your business from one place, saving you time and reducing the stress of juggling multiple tools.
  • Enables Client Management: 17hats has a robust client management system, making it easier to track your client information and communication. This tool can be particularly beneficial for solopreneurs who must maintain strong customer relationships while managing other aspects of their businesses.
  • Automated Payment Reminders: One of the unique benefits of 17hats is its automated payment reminders. You no longer have to worry about missed payments or late invoices, as the software will take care of reminding your clients for you, ensuring a steady cash flow for your business.
  • User-Friendly Dashboard: 17hats will make it easier for you to track and manage your business activities from one location. The user-friendly dashboard makes it easy to quickly access the information you need and stay on top of all your tasks.
  • Solid Scheduling Tools: 17hats also provides automated scheduling features to easily plan and manage client appointments. This can help take the hassle out of booking meetings, freeing up time for other important tasks.

17hats Cons

  • Limited Workflow Templates: While 17hats does offer workflow templates, their variety and customization options might only meet the needs of some businesses. If your operations involve complex or unique processes, you may find the available templates somewhat limiting.
  • Repetitive Tasks Can Be Time-Consuming: Although 17hats automates many tasks, some repetitive tasks still require manual input. This could potentially waste your time, especially if you’re a solopreneur handling all aspects of your business.
  • Customer Support Could Be Improved: Some users have reported that 17hats’ customer support could be more responsive and helpful. If you rely heavily on customer support for troubleshooting, this could be a potential drawback.
  • Limited Integrations: 17hats only offers a few third-party integrations, which could be an issue if your business primarily uses other software platforms. This may mean connecting other apps with Zapier or manually transferring data between different programs, which can be a hassle.

Quick Verdict – Is 17hats Worth the Money?

Why business owners love 17hats?

After spending countless hours managing my business with 17hats, it is worth every penny. Especially if you are a solopreneur looking to streamline your operations.

As a comprehensive business management software, 17hats stands out for its ability to handle multiple aspects of your business under one roof. It has significantly improved my project and invoice management, effectively reducing the time spent on these tasks.

The software includes a client portal that allows for efficient client profile management, making it easier to keep track of customer information and interactions. What’s more, having an integrated bank account feature simplifies the financial management aspect of my business.

You may be hesitant about the price point, but consider the value it brings by saving you precious time and reducing the stress of running a solo business. The automated workflows allow you to focus on growing your business rather than getting caught up in mundane tasks. Moreover, the software pays for itself by ensuring timely payments through its payment reminders feature.

While 17hats is a powerful tool, it has a slight learning curve, especially if you’re new to business management software. Also, while their customer support is generally helpful, there can be delays in responses to customer queries.

If you’re a solopreneur seeking a more efficient way to manage your business, I’d recommend giving 17hats a try. Its comprehensive features and benefits far outweigh any minor drawbacks, making it a solid investment for your business.

Who is 17hats for?

17hats are perfect for solopreneurs.

17hats is a comprehensive business management software that is designed to cater to the needs of various individuals and businesses. However, it’s not a customizable one-size-fits-all solution and might not be the right fit for everyone.

17hats is perfect for service agencies.

You’ll love 17hats if:

  • You’re a solopreneur or small business owner: If you’re running a small business and juggling multiple tasks like project management, invoice management, and client management, 17hats offers an all-in-one platform that can make your life easier.
  • You’re into lead and client management: For those who are constantly trying to track and manage leads and clients, 17hats has a robust client portal that can streamline this process for you.
  • You run a service agency: Service agencies often have complex workflows that must be managed efficiently. With 17hats’ automated workflows, managing these processes becomes a breeze.
  • You want to level up your business: 17hats provides a suite of tools that can quickly help you take the next step from being a solopreneur to scaling and growing your business. From automated billing, invoicing, and payments to streamlined customer service and CRM, 17hats has everything you need to succeed.

You won’t love 17hats if:

  • You own a more significant business with many staff members: While 17hats is powerful, it’s best suited for smaller companies. Larger enterprises with many staff members and more complexity might need more features.
  • You’re looking for instant customer support: While 17hats does offer instant support for customer queries, there can sometimes be delays in response times. If you require immediate assistance, this could be a drawback.
  • You need specialized services or software: While 17hats does offer a range of features, it may not have the exact tool you’re looking for. If you require something specific, it’s best to shop around for other options.
  • You prefer managing each aspect of your business separately: If you’re a business owner who prefers using separate tools to manage projects, finances, and client relationships, the integrated nature of 17hats may not appeal to you.

What is 17hats?

What sets 17hats apart from other platforms?

17hats is a comprehensive business management software designed to streamline and automate various aspects of running a business. It’s a one-stop solution that brings together functionalities like project management, invoice management, client management, and much more in one tool.

What is the key benefit of having a 17hats?

The unique selling point of 17hats is that it has an all-in-one approach to business management. It offers small business owners a seamless way to manage projects, handle finances through an integrated bank account feature, maintain customer relationships through an efficient client portal, and even automate payment reminders. This reduces the need for multiple tools, saving time and reducing complexity.

How does 17hats work as a business management software?

17hats works by offering a multitude of features designed to simplify your business operations. Once you sign up, you can access various modules for project management, invoice management, lead management, and more.

You can also set up automated workflows to handle repetitive tasks, freeing up more time for you to focus on growth and strategy.

How is it different from competitors?

What sets 17hats apart from its competitors is its focus on solopreneurs and smaller businesses. Many other business management software solutions cater to larger organizations, which can make their tools overwhelming or unnecessarily complex for smaller teams.

On the other hand, 17hats provides just the right amount of functionality to help small businesses and solopreneurs effectively manage their operations without being overwhelming.

Furthermore, its ability to automate frequent tasks and streamline important business processes makes it a standout choice in the market.

Reasons I Recommend the 17hats to Everyone

Why experts recommend 17hats?

After using 17hats, I’ve had the opportunity to experience firsthand how this software can transform the way you manage your business. Here are my top three reasons why I highly recommend 17hats.

#1) Comprehensive Project Management

One of the main benefits of 17hats is its comprehensive project management capabilities. This software allows you to organize and manage all your projects in one place, eliminating the need for multiple tools.

With just a few clicks, you can track progress, assign tasks, and set deadlines, making it easier to keep everything on track. Using 17hats has significantly improved my project efficiency and productivity.

#2) All-in-One Business Tool for Small Business Owners

Another reason I recommend 17hats is that it’s an all-in-one business tool. It combines various features, such as invoicing, contract management, and customer relationship management, into one platform.

This means you can manage pretty much every aspect of your business from one dashboard. The easy access to all the features has saved me a considerable amount of time, which I can now use to focus on other important aspects of my business.

#3) User-friendly Interface

Finally, the user-friendly interface of 17hats makes it a joy to work with. The software is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, even for those who need to be tech-savvy. Setting up workflows and automating tasks is pretty much one step, and the learning curve is relatively short.

In my experience, the ease of use has allowed me to get the most out of the software quickly, making it a valuable addition to my business tools.

What You Might Not Like about 17hats

#1) Can Be Time Consuming Initially

The only downside that some users might need help with is the initial setup process. While 17hats provides a comprehensive solution to stay organized and manage clients effectively, getting familiar with all its features and setting up the software can be time-consuming. This could be a lot for those who are looking for a quick setup or those who could be more tech-savvy.

However, once past this initial hurdle, most users find the software incredibly beneficial. This claim is backed by various user reviews on platforms like Capterra and G2, where the overall rating remains high despite some complaints about the time-consuming setup.

#2) Lack of Advanced Features as a Project Management Software

17hats needs more advanced features compared to some other project management tools. For instance, while 17hats allows for essential project management and organization, it may need to have the in-depth analytics or advanced task management features that some larger businesses or seasoned project managers may be accustomed to. This could limit its appeal to those who need more sophisticated capabilities.

However, it’s important to note that 17hats is primarily aimed at solopreneurs and smaller businesses. For this target group, it generally hits the mark, as seen in numerous positive reviews across various platforms.

17hats Pricing

How much if 17hats?

17hats offers three pricing tiers designed to cater to different business needs and budgets.

The ‘Essentials’ plan is priced at $13 per month when paid annually or $15 on a monthly plan. This package is ideal for those transitioning their business from traditional methods to an online platform. It includes a free CRM for life, one lead capture form, and one online scheduling service.

The ‘Standard’ plan costs $25 per month when paid annually or $30 per month. This plan is designed for those needing to streamline their business operations to save time. It includes a free CRM for life, three lead capture forms, and brand customization options.

The ‘Premier’ plan, priced at $50 per month when paid annually or $60 per month, is perfect for those searching for a fully integrated solution to automate their business. It includes a free CRM for life, 20 lead capture forms, and advanced automation features.

Try 17hats 7-Day Free Trial

All plans allow for online payments, providing a convenient payment method for your clients. Based on the wide range of features and tools offered, 17hats provides excellent value for money. This robust management software can help you transform how you manage your business and interact with your clients.

17hats: Key Features Breakdown

What are the best features of 17hats?

17hats offers a wide range of features that provide excellent value for money. In this section, we’ll delve into the critical features of 17hats, including improved organization, better client management, and more efficient business operations.

All-In-One Solution

17hats is an all-in-one project management software that combines everything you need to manage your business effectively. It includes features for project management, invoicing, contract management, lead tracking, and more.

This means you don’t have to juggle multiple tools; everything is available in one app. In my experience, this has been a significant advantage.

It saved me time, reduced stress, and ultimately, allowed me to make more money by focusing on my work rather than administrative tasks.

Project Management

One of the critical features of 17hats is its simple project management. You can create projects with milestones, tasks, and checklists, assign tasks to different team members, track progress, and send reminders.

This helps ensure that nothing falls through the cracks and that your projects get completed on time.

For me, this feature has been invaluable in keeping me organized, helping me prioritize tasks, and ensuring that I meet my deadlines.

Invoicing and Payment Reminders

Another favorite feature of mine is the invoicing capabilities, including auto pay and payment reminders. With 17hats, you can create templates for recurring invoices, send automatic payment reminders to clients, and even set up auto-pay for regular customers.

This can significantly streamline your invoice process and ensure you get paid on time. The integration with Google Calendar also provides reminders for upcoming payments or overdue invoices.

For me, this feature has made the often tedious task of invoicing a breeze and helped improve my cash flow.

Lead Tracking and CRM

The lead tracking feature in 17hats is an excellent tool for managing contact details of potential customers and keeping track of interactions with them. The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) component allows you to store all the information about new leads or new clients, from the initial contact to the final invoice.

This includes email templates for communication, electronic signature for contracts, and reporting features for analyzing trends and performance.

I’ve found this feature particularly useful in ensuring no potential customer slips through the cracks. It’s also made it easier for my small team to stay on top of our to-do list and provide excellent customer support.


Google calendars can be integrated with 17hats.

With 17hats, you can integrate with a variety of services like Quickbooks, QuickBooks, and Google Calendar. This makes managing your finances and schedules easier than ever, freeing up time for you to focus on your core business. You can also connect to many banks and email providers to automate financial and email tasks.

17hats even offers Zapier integrations, which means you can connect with even more services that aren’t available directly through 17hats. With these integrations, I can connect 17hats to my favorite to streamline my workflow.

FAQs about 17hats

Join 17hats demo

What type of pricing plans does 17hats offer?

17hats offers three pricing plans: Essentials, Standard, and Premier. The Essentials plan costs $13 per month when paid annually, the Standard plan is $25 per month when paid annually, and the Premier plan is $50 per month when paid annually. Monthly payment options are also available for each plan.

Does 17hats offer a free trial?

Yes, 17hats offers a free trial. You can try out the platform and its features before deciding on a paid plan.

What services does 17hats provide?

17hats provides a variety of services designed to help solopreneurs and small businesses manage their operations more effectively. These include project management, invoicing, contract management, lead tracking, and customer relationship management.

Can I use 17hats with other software?

Yes, 17hats integrates with a variety of other software solutions, including Square, for payment processing.

What is the Questionnaires feature in 17hats?

The Questionnaires feature in 17hats allows you to gather necessary information from your clients efficiently. It’s a perfect way to save time while ensuring you have all the details you need to complete your service.

Where can I get help if I need help with my 17hats account?

If you encounter any issues with your 17hats account, you can visit the 17hats Help Center or contact their customer support team for assistance.

Final Verdict – to Buy 17hats or Not to Buy 17hats?

17hats: best all-in-one Client management software

Streamlining Your Business, One Hat at a Time!

17hats is an all-in-one project management software designed to simplify business operations by combining project management, invoicing, contract management, and lead tracking in a single platform.

Based on my research and experience in this 17hats review, I recommend using 17hats for your business! This platform is a comprehensive business management solution, particularly for solopreneurs and small businesses.

What makes 17hats genuinely shine is its all-in-one solution approach. From project management to lead tracking, invoicing, and customer relationship management, it offers an array of features designed to streamline your business processes. The ability to automate recurring tasks, send payment reminders, and manage contact details efficiently are some of the key strengths that make this software valuable.

However, like any product, 17hats may not be perfect for everyone. If you’re running a larger team or if your business requires more specialized tools, you should explore other options. But for solopreneurs and small teams, 17hats offers excellent value for money and could be a game-changer.

So, should you invest in 17hats? If you’re seeking a comprehensive, user-friendly platform that can streamline your operations and enhance client management, then the answer is a resounding yes.

Take the first step towards transforming your business today. Try out the free trial, explore the features, and see if 17hats is the right fit for you. And if you still need to decide, check out our next section, where we will explore some alternatives to 17hats.

17hats Alternatives

If $13-50 per month is too much for you to stomach right now or you need a different solution, you might like one of these alternatives.

#1) HoneyBook

HoneyBook, like 17hats, is an all-in-one business management platform. However, it positions itself more as a client management software, emphasizing booking and scheduling features. This suits it, particularly for service-based businesses such as event planners, photographers, and consultants.

While HoneyBook lacks some of the comprehensive project management tools found in 17hats, it shines in its intuitive interface and robust client communication tools.

If your business revolves heavily around client bookings and you prioritize user-friendly design, HoneyBook is the better choice. However, if you require more in-depth project management and invoicing features, 17hats is the better option.

#2) Dubsado

Dubsado is another viable alternative to 17hats. It offers similar features, including project management, invoicing, and CRM capabilities, but it stands out with its custom branding options.

This allows businesses to maintain consistent branding across all their client interactions, a feature not present in 17hats.

However, Dubsado’s interface can be a bit more complex to navigate compared to 17hats. While it offers more customization, it may take longer to get used to. Dubsado is best suited for businesses that value brand consistency and are willing to invest time into setting up their system.

#3) Pipedrive

PipeDrive differs from 17hats in that it’s primarily a sales CRM platform. It excels at managing and tracking leads, making it an excellent tool for sales-driven businesses. Its unique visual sales pipeline lets you easily track deals at different stages.

However, PipeDrive offers a different set of features than 17hats. It lacks project management and invoicing capabilities, making it less of an all-in-one solution.

If your primary focus is sales and lead management, PipeDrive is the better choice. But for comprehensive business management, 17hats is worth trying.

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