The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up | Summary
In The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo helps you declutter and organize your place to spark joy. As a result, you will organize your life.
In The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo helps you declutter and organize your place to spark joy. As a result, you will organize your life.
The ONE Thing by Gary Keller helps you focus on taking action on the most important task, such that everything else will be easier or unnecessary.
Many of us use one or two calendars, but it’s not effective. You need to use several color coded calendars to take control of your time and be productive.
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method to help you get more done. It divides your work into 25-minute intervals with short breaks in between.
We can reframe our ideas into setting SMART Goals, so we can take action. SMART goals are Simple, Meaningful, Actionable, Realistic, and Trackable.
Every day, we face decision points with huge impacts. The Kepner Tregoe Decision Analysis helps us make rational decisions!
Our Eisenhower Matrix template helps you sort and prioritize your work tasks and activities by urgency and importance so you can take action!
The 80-20 Rule (Pareto Principle) provides a framework to focus your efforts as a company or an individual. The 80/20 Rule states that about 80% of the results (outputs) come from about 20% of the causes (inputs).
At Productivity Con, Thanh Pham of Asian Efficiency shared his top three tips to Get More Done in the Next 90 Days with less stress and more satisfaction: (1) Manage energy not time; (2) Stop multitasking; and (3) Start your day with a Morning Routine.
Time Theming is a method to manage your time using themes to help provide direction for achieving your goals during a week, month, or year. This blog post was inspired by Mike Vardyโs Time Theming talk during ProductivityCon in Austin in early 2020.