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Ahrefs Review 2024: Best SEO Tool for Keyword Research?

As SEO becomes more competitive by the day, finding the right keyword research tools has become necessary for any serious digital marketer. While several decent options are on the market, Ahrefs remains one of the most popular and robust solutions. 

For over a decade, Ahrefs has been helping SEOs, content marketers, and digital agencies comprehensively analyze search engine data to identify top keyword opportunities and inform strategy.

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In this Ahrefs review, I’ll test its flagship keyword research functionalities and position-tracking tools. I aim to determine if Ahrefs truly lives up to its reputation as the leading SEO tool for in-depth keyword analysis and tracking website visibility changes over time. 

I’ll analyze real data from my own website and projects to see how well Ahrefs performs against metrics like keyword difficulty, search volume trends, backlink profiles, and monthly position reports.

My goal is to help you decide if an Ahrefs subscription is worth it, so keep reading!

Ahrefs: Best SEO Tool for Keyword Research?
Ahrefs Logo

Ahrefs is a comprehensive SEO tool designed to empower you with insights and data to enhance your website’s search engine visibility.

Ahrefs Pros & Cons

When considering an SEO tool, it’s essential to weigh Ahrefs’s pros and cons against your specific needs and preferences to make the right decision.


  • Gain a competitive advantage
  • Uncover lucrative keyword opportunities:
  • Understand your target audience better


  • Potential for information overload
  • Premium pricing
  • Demands a continuous learning approach

Ahrefs Pros

  • Gain a competitive advantage: Ahrefs provides in-depth insights into competitors’ keyword strategies and backlink profiles. This lets you identify opportunities to outperform them in search suggestions and results.
  • Uncover lucrative keyword opportunities: Ahrefs offers an extensive keyword database and analysis tools, making it easy to find high-potential keyword ideas to drive significant website traffic.
  • Understand your target audience better: See the exact search terms your audience uses, enabling you to create content that precisely addresses their needs and pain points.

Ahrefs Cons

  • Potential for information overload: Ahrefs’s wealth of data and features can be overwhelming for those less familiar with SEO concepts.
  • Premium pricing: Ahrefs is an investment-level tool, and its pricing structure may not be suitable for smaller businesses or those just starting with SEO.
  • Demands a continuous learning approach: Ahrefs must commit to ongoing learning and exploration to fully maximize its potential for enhancing your SEO efforts.

Quick Verdict – Is Ahrefs Worth the Money?

After countless hours of using Ahrefs to streamline my SEO efforts, refine keyword strategies, and boost website visibility, here’s my straightforward opinion:

Yes, Ahrefs is a pivotal tool in the SEO toolkit for anyone serious about enhancing their online presence. Hey’s why:

  • Comprehensive Database: Ahrefs boasts one of the largest databases of backlinks and keywords, making it incredibly powerful for uncovering competitor strategies and finding valuable keywords.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Even if you’re not a tech expert, the interface is intuitive, making complex data understandable.
  • Tools and Features: From the Site Audit tool, which identifies SEO issues, to the Content Explorer, which helps find content opportunities, Ahrefs is packed with features that cater to all levels of SEO expertise.

Ahrefs is quite costly, but for businesses and website owners focused on organic growth, the ROI potential is worth it. It’s not just another SEO tool; it’s an essential asset for gaining a competitive edge in search rankings.

Although Ahrefs is comprehensive, it can be overwhelming for beginners. The learning curve is steep, but the benefits are undeniable once you get the hang of it.

Don’t just take my word for it. Try Ahrefs for yourself and see the difference it can make in your SEO endeavors. 

Whether you’re looking to dominate your niche, outrank competitors, or get more eyes on your content, Ahrefs has the tools to make it happen. Give it a try today!

Who is Ahrefs for?

You’ll love Ahrefs if

You’ll love Ahrefs if:

  • You’re a content marketer or SEO specialist: If you spend your days crafting strategies to improve website rankings and drive traffic, Ahrefs’ tools like Keyword Explorer Tool and Site Audit are tailor-made for you.
  • You own a growing online business: Boosting your site’s visibility is crucial, and Ahrefs provides the insights needed to outmaneuver competitors and attract more visitors.
  • You’re a digital marketing agency: With Ahrefs, you can deliver detailed reports and insights to clients, showcasing progress and opportunities easily and accurately.

You won’t love Ahrefs if:

  • You’re looking for a quick fix to SEO: Ahrefs requires time and effort to fully utilize its features; it’s not suitable if you expect immediate ranking improvements without some work.
  • Your focus is purely on social media marketing: Ahrefs is focused on search engine optimization, not social media analytics, so it might not align with your primary marketing efforts.
  • You have a very tight budget: If you’re constrained financially, Ahrefs might feel like a big investment, as it’s priced higher than other tools, which might be a deal-breaker.

What is Ahrefs?

Ahrefs is a comprehensive SEO tool designed to empower you with insights and data to enhance your website’s search engine visibility.

It’s tailored to help you identify valuable keywords, analyze competitors, track your site’s ranking progress, and uncover the strategies behind successful content within your niche.

What is the key benefit of having Ahrefs?

Ahrefs gives you an insider’s look at your competitors’ strategies. You’ll see what keywords they’re ranking for, where they’re getting backlinks, and what content is performing well –  this lets you make smarter decisions to outdo them.

How does Ahrefs work?

  • Huge database: Ahrefs constantly crawls the web, building one of the largest databases of keywords and backlinks.
  • Powerful analytics: You get in-depth reports about your website’s health and easy-to-use tools for finding the perfect keywords to target.
  • Competitor insights: It’s like having an X-ray of your competitor’s website—you see all their strengths and weaknesses.

How is it different from competitors?

Ahrefs is a keyword research tool because of its scale, speed, and link-building capabilities. The keyword database is massive, and the backlink information is updated remarkably quickly, so you’re always working with the freshest, most accurate data.

Reasons I Recommend Ahrefs to Everyone

Reasons I Recommend Ahrefs to Everyone

#1) It’s the key to beating the competition

You know that feeling when you think you’ve got the perfect keyword, only to find out top results are dominated by giant websites? With Ahrefs, you get to peer behind the curtain. 

You see the keywords your competitors are ranking for, get insights into their content strategy, and identify where they might be vulnerable. This puts you on a level playing field, even against bigger players.

#2) Finding the right keywords has never been easier

Keyword research used to be a bit of a slog. Ahrefs makes it almost fun! Their keyword database is huge, and the tools let you filter and sort in various ways. 

I love finding those “golden nugget” keywords: high search volume and low competition. This is how you get content that consistently drives traffic for months and years.

#3) It makes technical SEO less scary

Let’s be honest: technical SEO can be overwhelming. Ahrefs has a full site audit feature that finds issues, tells you why they matter, and even guides you on how to fix things.

It’s taken a lot of the guesswork out of keeping my site healthy in Google’s eyes.

What You Might Not Like about Ahrefs

#1) It can be a little overwhelming at first

Ahrefs is packed with features and data, making it a fantastic power tool. But this means there’s a learning curve, especially if you’re new to SEO.  

They have great tutorials but be prepared to dedicate time to getting the most out of them.

#2) The price tag is significant

Ahrefs isn’t the cheapest option out there. It’s a hefty investment for bloggers or smaller sites just dipping their toes into SEO. It’s worth looking at your specific needs—there might be more streamlined (and affordable) tools that serve your purposes just fine.

Even with these downsides, I still confidently recommend Ahrefs. The depth of insights more than justifies the cost for serious website owners, and the learning curve pays off in better rankings and traffic.

Ahrefs Pricing

Ahrefs pricing starts with the Lite Plan at $129 per month, ideal for beginners or small projects. If you need more depth, the Standard, Advanced, and Enterprise Plans offer increased project capacity, more extensive historical data, and additional user credits per month. 

Each tier is designed to scale with your growth, ensuring you always have the right tools for your expanding SEO needs. No matter where you are in your SEO journey, there’s a plan that can match your requirements.

Ahrefs Pricing

Ahrefs: Key Features Breakdown

Ahrefs: Key Features Breakdown

Let’s break down the key features of Ahrefs and delve into the details of each feature:

Site Explorer

Ahrefs: Site Explorer

Site Explorer is a powerful tool within Ahrefs that gives you an in-depth look at any website’s backlink profile and search traffic. You can enter any URL—whether it’s your site or a competitor’s—and receive detailed insights into the number of backlinks, the quality of these links, and where their traffic is coming from.

This level of competitor intel is invaluable. It shows you their strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to gain the upper hand.

With Site Explorer, I could immediately identify which content pieces were driving traffic and which backlinks bolstered our SEO efforts. It was enlightening to see how certain pages performed over time and how they stacked up against competitors. 

This feature alone has significantly impacted my approach to SEO, making my strategies more data-driven and focused. The ability to pinpoint exactly what needs improvement and recognize where we excel has saved time and increased the ROI on our SEO initiatives.

Keyword Explorer

Ahrefs: Keywords Explorer

Imagine having a giant dictionary of every search term people type into Google, complete with how often they’re searched and how tough the competition is. That’s essentially Keyword Explorer. 

When you input a word or phrase, this tool presents detailed data, including keyword volume, keyword difficulty, estimated clicks, and even variations and questions related to the keyword. It’s a comprehensive suite designed to find keywords and understand their broader context in the search landscape.

Instead of randomly guessing what to write about, Keyword Explorer lets you target the exact phrases your audience is searching for. Plus, it helps you gauge whether you have a realistic chance of ranking well.

With Keywords Explorer, I refine my keyword research process, focusing on keyword suggestions with a high search volume and achievable ranking. 

This nuanced approach significantly improved organic reach and engagement on my website. The feature’s detailed breakdown of each keyword’s potential made it easier to prioritize my efforts, leading to more efficient and effective content strategies.

Site Audit

Ahrefs: Site Audit

Consider a Site Audit of your website’s health checkup. It crawls your site, flagging technical SEO issues that could hurt your keyword rankings, such as broken links, slow loading speeds, missing title tags, and more.

Technical SEO can become complex quickly. Site Audits make things more approachable. They point out problems, explain why they’re important, and guide you through fixing them. The tool also integrates with other Ahrefs features, showing how changes affect your overall SEO strategy. 

I was unaware of several underlying issues on my website, such as broken links, missing alt tags, and slow-loading pages. These issues silently affected my site’s search engine visibility and user experience. 

After running an Ahrefs site audit and systematically addressing the recommendations, I saw improvements in my site’s speed and usability and observed a noticeable uplift in organic traffic and rankings. 

Rank Tracker

Ahrefs: Rank Tracker

Rank Tracker is your progress report. You choose the keywords you want to target and specify locations, and Ahrefs regularly checks your search rankings. You get clear graphs and charts showing whether you’re moving up, down, or staying stagnant.

SEO takes time. Rank Tracker lets you see the fruits of your labor (or identify where you need to adjust course). You can also track competitors’ rankings, spotting opportunities to overtake them.

Rank Tracker provides that satisfying sense of progress. Seeing my hard work translate into higher rankings is incredibly motivating. It’s also helped me spot instances where content wasn’t performing as well as I’d hoped, allowing quick strategy pivots.

Content Gap Explorer

Ahrefs: Content Gap Explorer

The Content Gap Explorer reveals the keywords your competitors are ranking for that you aren’t. It’s like a shortcut to finding untapped topics that have proven successful in your niche.

Instead of reinventing the wheel, the Content Gap Explorer lets you learn from your competitors. You see what’s working for them and craft even better content to steal those top spots. What sets Content Gap apart is its straightforward approach to competitive analysis. 

It provides a clear, actionable list of keywords that can fill the gaps in your content strategy, helping you to compete in areas you might have overlooked directly. This tool is invaluable for expanding your content’s reach and enhancing relevance to your target audience’s search behaviors.

For example, I discovered a series of long-tail keywords driving significant traffic to a competitor’s site—keywords I hadn’t considered because they didn’t surface in traditional keyword research tools. 

I developed a series of new content pieces specifically addressing these gaps. The results were remarkable; not only did my site begin to rank for these previously missed keywords, but the new content also enhanced its overall authority in my niche.

Competitive Analysis

Ahrefs: Competitive Analysis

Ahrefs doesn’t just provide data on your own site. You can analyze up to 10 competitors simultaneously, giving you an in-depth look at their entire SEO strategy. This includes:

  • Backlinks: See who’s linking to them and find opportunities to secure the same or even better links.
  • Top Content: Discover their most successful pages and the keywords driving that success.
  • Keyword Gaps: Find those lucrative keywords where your competitors rank, but you don’t.

Understanding your competitors is essential to getting ahead. Ahrefs makes competitor analysis incredibly efficient, saving you hours compared to manual research methods.

Competitor analysis with Ahrefs has exposed weaknesses in my rivals’ backlink profiles. This helped me craft an outreach strategy that resulted in some high-quality backlinks, boosting my own rankings.

Incorporating Competitive Analysis into my regular SEO review has been a game-changer, transforming how I approach both content creation and overall digital strategy. It’s an indispensable resource for anyone serious about not just competing but leading in their market.

Domain Comparison

Ahrefs: Domain Comparison

Domain Comparison lets you analyze up to five websites side-by-side.  You get a detailed breakdown of key metrics like:

  • Domain Rating: Ahrefs’ own metric for gauging website “authority” based on backlinks.
  • Backlink Profile: A visual representation of the number and quality of backlinks.
  • Organic Keywords: See the keywords each domain ranks for in search results.

This essential tool helps quickly identify strengths and weaknesses in your and your competitors’ SEO strategies and aids in strategic decision-making. It is beneficial for benchmarking your performance and setting realistic SEO goals based on industry standards.

I used Domain Comparison to benchmark myself against key players in my niche. This helped me identify areas where I needed to focus my link-building efforts and gave me a realistic picture of my progress.

Ahrefs: Banklink Checker

Backlink Checker is a powerful feature within Ahrefs that allows you to analyze any website’s backlink profile. This tool provides insights into the number of backlinks, the referring domains they come from, the strength of those links, and how they impact the site’s SEO. It’s an essential resource for understanding not only your own backlink landscape but also that of your competitors.

Many tools can enumerate backlinks, but few provide a comprehensive view of their quality and strategic value. Ahrefs stands out by offering insights into the link equity distributed across your backlinks, enabling you to discern the quantity and quality of those links. 

Additionally, its ability to detect and report on new or lost backlinks gives marketers the agility to respond promptly to changes in their site’s backlink profile, safeguarding against potential negative impacts on SEO performance.

For instance, I discovered a series of high-quality but underutilized backlinks from reputable industry-related websites. This insight led me to strengthen these relationships, resulting in more prominent placements and additional backlinks that significantly boosted my site’s visibility. 

Conversely, I identified toxic backlinks that could potentially damage my site’s reputation. Armed with this information, I took steps to disavow these links, clean up my backlink profile, and improve my site’s overall SEO health.

Community & Academy

Ahrefs: Community & Academy
  • Ahrefs Academy: A comprehensive library of video courses and tutorials covering everything from beginner SEO concepts to advanced Ahrefs strategies.
  • Active Community: A vibrant Facebook group and blog where fellow Ahrefs users and even Ahrefs employees share tips, answer questions, and discuss SEO trends.

The SEO landscape is constantly evolving. Ahrefs Academy keeps you up-to-date while the community provides a forum for peer-to-peer learning and support. This is particularly valuable for beginners who might feel overwhelmed.

Ahrefs Academy was instrumental when I started using the tool. The courses break down complex features into digestible lessons. Plus, the community has been a place to celebrate wins and get invaluable help while troubleshooting problems I’ve encountered.

FAQs about Ahrefs

Does Ahrefs offer a free trial or free plan?

While Ahrefs doesn’t offer a full free trial, it does offer a “Webmaster Tools” option. These free tools provide limited access to Site Explorer and Site Audit data for your own websites.

How accurate is Ahrefs’ data?

Ahrefs is renowned for its extensive data collection methods and regular updates, making it one of the most reliable SEO tools. 

While no SEO tool can guarantee 100% accuracy due to search engines’ dynamic nature, Ahrefs’ data is frequently updated and widely trusted by SEO professionals to make informed decisions.

How often should I check my SEO metrics on Ahrefs?

The frequency of SEO monitoring depends on your project’s scope and phase. For a dynamic marketing campaign, checking weekly might be necessary to adapt quickly to performance trends.

A monthly check-in might suffice for more established websites to assess progress and refine strategies.

What kind of customer support does Ahrefs offer?

Ahrefs provides customer support through multiple channels, including a knowledge base, email support, and live chat. Their support team is known for being responsive and helpful in addressing user queries and technical issues.

Final Verdict – to Buy Ahrefs or Not to Buy Ahrefs?

Ahrefs: Best SEO Tool for Keyword Research?
Ahrefs Logo

Ahrefs is a comprehensive SEO tool designed to empower you with insights and data to enhance your website’s search engine visibility.

If you’re serious about mastering SEO, Ahrefs is one of the best SEO tools out there!

Its comprehensive features cover every aspect of SEO, from backlink analysis to competitor research, making it a top choice. The tool provides unmatched depth in keyword research and backlink data, making it invaluable for those who aim to improve online visibility and outrank competitors.

During the review, the highlighted proof of its effectiveness included the precision and reliability of its Keyword Explorer and Site Audit tools, which identify opportunities and pinpoint issues that could sabotage your SEO efforts. Additionally, the Community and Academy features are unparalleled in enhancing your SEO knowledge and skills compared to the other keyword research tools. 

However, the price might be a concern as it’s higher than other available tools. However, this amazing tool is worth considering for its ROI regarding the time saved and building your SEO strategies.

Don’t let your competition get ahead! Take control of your SEO strategy today and see the difference Ahrefs can make.

Looking for alternatives? In the next section, we will explore other keyword research tools that suit your specific needs.

Ahrefs Alternatives

If $129 or more is too much for you to stomach right now, or you should check out some other keyword research tool, you might like one of these.

#1) Semrush

Semrush is a comprehensive digital marketing suite offering features encompassing SEO and PPC, social media, and content marketing. 

The key difference between Semrush and Ahrefs primarily lies in Semrush’s stronger focus on competitor paid search strategies and social media tracking. This makes it arguably superior for businesses investing heavily in PPC campaigns and social media alongside organic search.

Another point where Semrush stands out is its content marketing toolkit, which offers more extensive features for content ideation, planning, and optimization than Ahrefs. This includes tracking brand mentions and conducting a deeper analysis of content performance across different platforms.

Semrush is intended for digital marketers requiring a broad toolset beyond SEO. It offers insights into various aspects of digital marketing. Its comprehensive competitor analytics prove its capabilities, making it an invaluable tool for marketers looking to gain an edge in both organic and paid channels.

#2) Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO takes a unique approach by focusing on on-page SEO optimization, contrasting with Ahrefs’ broader SEO toolset. It uses advanced data-driven analysis to offer detailed recommendations on structuring your content to rank higher for specific keywords. 

This includes word count, keyword usage, headings, and more, optimizing your pages based on current Google ranking factors.

While Surfer SEO might seem inferior in terms of the breadth of features compared to Ahrefs, it provides precise, actionable insights for content optimization. 

This specialization makes it superior for content creators and SEO professionals focused on maximizing the on-page SEO potential of their content.

This tool best suits those with a solid backlink tracking strategy who want to refine their content to closely match the best SEO practices. Numerous case studies and user testimonials highlight significant improvements in page rankings following Surfer SEO’s recommendations.

#3) Moz Pro

Moz Pro is often seen as one of the founding fathers of SEO tools in the SEO software space. It offers a suite of features that are similar to Ahrefs but with a few key differences. One notable distinction is Moz’s proprietary Domain Authority (DA) metric, which many in the industry use as a benchmark for assessing website quality and strength.

Moz Pro tends to be more beginner-friendly. It has a clean interface and a strong focus on educational resources to help users better understand and implement SEO strategies. This approach, coupled with Moz’s exceptional customer service and community support, can make it a more appealing choice for those new to SEO or businesses with less technical expertise.

Moz Pro is designed for businesses, marketers, and SEO professionals looking for a comprehensive, easy-to-use SEO platform that provides tools for improving search rankings and focuses on educating its users. 

The proof of its effectiveness lies in its enduring popularity and the success stories shared by its vast user community, demonstrating significant SEO improvements after implementing insights from Moz.

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